6 Key Aspects of Business Advice

Maximizing Business Potential

By following a logical approach to strategic growth planning—and understanding that there are Only 4 Ways to Grow a Business, you can dramatically increase your chances of Maximizing Business Potential.

By following a logical approach to waste and inefficiency—and understanding that there are 7 Areas of Business Waste and Inefficiency, you can dramatically increase your chances of Maximizing Business Potential.

Are you using the right resources? It’s a key question in the 21st Century. By making the right decisions today about improving the effectiveness of your future growth delivery, you can dramatically increase your chances of Maximizing Business Potential.

Are you following the guiding principles of ‘what you can measure, you can manage’? It’s a key question if you want to drive the right behavior and business profits—and will dramatically increase your chances of Maximizing Business Potential.

Are you following the guiding principles of ‘culture eats strategy for breakfast’? It’s a key question if you want to engage your people and harness the talents of the team. If you can create that business culture, growing business profits and business value will follow—and will dramatically increase your chances of Maximizing Business Potential.

Opt-in today for an eight-part email series to explore each method for Maximizing Business Potential!

Meet PinPoint Planning and Strategic Consulting, The Facilitator of the 6 Key Aspects of Business Advice Email Series

Phillip and his team at PinPoint Planning and Strategic Consulting deliver advanced solutions for CPAs and Attorneys to utilize with their top clients.

CPAs and legal professionals can utilize this collaborative Team-Based Model with Family Office style support and resources to deliver a better outcome and experience for the client compared to the alternatives while retaining full control of the relationship. This instantly elevates the CPA and Legal professional from most trusted advisor to most relevant advisor.

Phillip and his team have a process that ensures attention to detail during consultation, design, implementation review and reporting of advanced market solutions and strategies.

Disciplines include but are not limited to:
• Generational Wealth Management
• Business Advisory
• Tax Planning & Expense Reduction
• Asset Protection & Preservation
• Executive Compensation Plans & Buy Sell Agreements
• Risk Management | Insurance | Captive Programs
• Premium Financed Life Insurance | Private Placement Life Insurance
• Legal
• Transition, Exit and Legacy Planning
• …and more!

Created by:

Phillip Isan

We’re Handing You The Keys to Success

We believe that 80% of straightforward, no-nonsense, strategic advice can be summed up in just 6 Key Areas of Business Advice.

During this email series, we will:
- Help you identify the right strategic focus for your business
- Share the 4 ways to grow a business
- Help you identify 7 areas of business waste and inefficiency
- Discuss the changes in company resources
- Explain the importance of key performance indicators
- Highlight the importance of team culture

Each email is packed with valuable business insight and a video for an in-depth look into each of the 6 Key Areas of Business Advice.

Sign Up To Access This Valuable Information!